Stats & Rate Sheet 2025

Stat Sheet 2025
& Rate Sheet

Publisher of Absolutely the Best eMagazine since 2008,

We are 100% email-based for Security.

With passion and vision, our team of digital media professionals pioneered 1st online magazine in Muskoka, delivering it directly to the inboxes of affluent cottagers and homeowners.

Now, with over 16 years in online publishing, we have thousands of loyal subscribers across Canada
Not only Cottagers but Great Canadians and Business Owners.

Core competencies include online publishing, digital marketing, regional and national business promotion, niche market targeting with email for security, and concept development.

We’re passionate about exposing up-and-coming innovative business trends

and supporting local artisans, craftsmen, and architects.

In 2022, we expanded nationwide to promote great Canadian businesses selling online and connect successful business owners directly B2B with Canadian Business Opportunities.

This established a foundation for North American online buying from Canada 1st.



"Our clients email to over 45,000 to 60,000 emails to their databases on a monthly bases"

"Incredible 70% plus open rate with subscribers average on a Monthly Basis"

Packages for Year

Canadian Advertising Rates and Data.

Front Cover with 10 Double pages


based on 12 months.
*12 Double page per month for one year. A Front Cover and 10 Double pages in one edition.
$5,000. Year

You can email to your database, share on social media and make Posters of front Cover edition for Trade Shows.

With you every step of the way

We will do all the layouts and artwork.

Contact us for any copy changes

12 Double Pages


based on 12 months.
*12 Double pages per month for One Year.
$2,800. Year

With you every step of the way

We will do all the layouts and artwork.

Contact us for any copy changes

Single Page for One Month




With you every step of the way

We will do all the layouts and artwork.

Contact us for any copy changes

Single Page for One Month


based on monthly use


With you every step of the way

We will do all the layouts and artwork.

Contact us for any copy changes

DoublePage for One Month




With you every step of the way

We will do all the layouts and artwork.

Contact us for any copy changes

Payment is due in full when your showcase ad appears.

We accept major credit cards (Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover) or PayPal also Interac Bank etransfer.


All content and artwork are subject to approval by Absolutely the Best.

Double Page

2400 pixels x 1200 Pixels 

or  20″ x 10″ 

110 DPI 

in PDF, JPG, AI, PS 

or any Adobe product.

Single Page

1200 pixels x 1200 Pixels 

or  20″ x 10″ 

110 DPI 

in PDF, JPG, AI, PS 

or any Adobe product.


For any inquiries please



Call 1-800-815-8291

©2008 – 2023  Absolutely the Best. All Rights Reserved.

Showcasing Absolutely the Best of Products & Services

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